You may know that I speak quite a lot. No – I don’t mean I blab on erroneously – although some people may think so. I mean I do public speaking. In fact, I train public speakers to reach hearts and minds from stage (as you will know if you read last week’s blog – How To Make £600,000 in One Night). Yesterday I was guest speaking at my favourite.. Read More
How Long Is YOUR To Do List?
Earlier this week I put a post on Facebook which was tongue in cheek but seemed to resonate with many people. I had started the day with 4 important things that needed to be done. I ended the day with 29. Now, in this particular case it was because 3 or the 4 most senior people in the business were all off at the same time (not planned. That would.. Read More
How to Spot Business Opportunities
Ain’t life a funny thing? Sometimes the things that seem the most frustrating, the most annoying and the most time wasting are actually the best thing that ever happened! Bear with me on this one. So – last weekend I was coaching public speakers again down in a hotel in the Heathrow area. I do enjoy it – although I have to admit to being a bit tired and slightly.. Read More
Does Social Media Work for Business?
I’m over in Sydney at the moment, and was having a meeting with someone the other day, who asked me if social media works for business. Well the short answer to that is No and the long answer is yes. What do I mean by that? Well, we are finally in a place where most businesses ae considering using social media, or already “DO” social media. And it doesn’t work… Read More
The Power Of Positive Thinking
The Power of Positive Thinking Do you know, as a generally positive person I used to wonder why things didn’t always go right for me. You see, I had the complete wrong idea about the power of positive thinking. I believed that if I engaged in Positive Thinking then everything should always go well? Does that make sense? It seems to right? But I was wrong. What I have come.. Read More
How You Can Get Your Business To The Next Level
Are you trying to grow your business? Do you want to know the secret to growing your business? The secret is……there is no secret. Well, as I see it there are only 2 ways to grow your business – fat or slow. Now slow growth – that is the kind where you get a 10% growth over the year, maybe 20%, possibly 30%. That is usually made up of doing.. Read More
10 Ways You Are Doing Social Media Wrong and How It’s Holding Back Your Business
I know that doing your Social Media feels like a minefield sometimes as there are so many rules, everything keeps changing and sometimes you wonder why you’re even doing it because you don’t see the return. The following 10 points will show you what you might be doing that you should stop doing and what not to do so you can avoid making these mistakes. You are not creating a.. Read More
Why Don’t Women Speak Up?
There has been a lot in the news this week about the goings on relating to Harvey Weinstein. And on balance it would seem, just looking at the volume of complaints against him, that there is likely to be truth behind the whole thing (if not every single detail). I am sure there will be some who jump on the bandwagon for some quick cash, but the majority of allegations.. Read More
How To Take Your Business To Another Level
Do you ever get frustrated running your business? Perhaps you feel stuck at a certain level and you just can’t seem to get past it. Maybe you feel that if you ‘just’ sorted out your marketing strategy / your social media / your message / your team – that everything would fall into place. But you aren’t sure what step to take next to do that. Possibly you have asked.. Read More
What To Do When You Are Too Busy Being Busy?
Earlier yesterday I was discussing with a client our respective holidays this year. She runs her own small and growing business and is an expert in what she does. However, the problem at the moment is – she is “Too Busy”. I’m sure you know that feeling – and I can certainly relate. Recently my clients business has been growing rapidly but she is uncertain about hiring someone – although.. Read More