
What Is a Magnetic Business?

Have you ever wondered what I mean by Magnetic Business – what that even is? Well for me, a magnetic business is one which brings you whatever you want. Now, I see a lot of ‘guru’s’ out there with their fancy cars (probably leased) and their big houses (maybe rented maybe mortgaged up to the hilt), telling you how you can have everything in 2.5 seconds if you just follow.. Read More

How to Get More Sales

This week I want to talk to you about something that helps you get more sales. If you have this thing then new customers come to you, rather than you having to chase them. Your conversion will be much higher, and the whole sales process just seems so much easier. Without this, you are just another name, another option in the sea of sameness. And you will find sales much.. Read More

Business…Fun Or Hard Work?

I was speaking to someone at The Business Network today (a network I have been part of for many years that runs in various spots round the country), who is having a hard time in their business. Luckily, he has been in business for long enough that he has seen ups and downs, and was quite philosophical about it. And as anyone who has been in business for any length.. Read More

How To Make Facebook Work For Your Business – Part One

This weeks Facebook Live’s in the Leading Women in Business Group, have been around the subject of how to make organic Facebook work for your business. The changes in the algorithm over the last couple of years have made it increasingly difficult for business pages to get organic reach. On average – if you have 100 people on your page you will have to put out between 50 and 100.. Read More

One Crucial Step Before Working On Your Business

I must be a very slow learner as I took me until my 40’s to realise that one of the main jobs in your life is to figure out YOU. This whole thing about working ‘on yourself’ and self-development was a world I knew little about in my 30’s and nothing at all in my 20’s. Even though I was always a positive person, and driven and determined, I was.. Read More

How Leadership Helps Your Family And Your Business

Leadership in business. Leadership in your family. It’s the same stuff. I didn’t realise at first, how helpful the skills you develop as a parent are to your business and vice versa. Take my daughter. When I would pick her up from school and ask her what she had done that day at school, she would invariably answer ‘oh, nothing’. Sometimes I would joke – ‘I might take you out.. Read More

It’s Right There Under Your Nose

Something weird is happening to me this week. I’m not sure what it is but I’m starting to see things differently. You see – I was in the shower a few days ago, like every morning, and I was looking at the controls. We have a horizontal silver bar going across and at one end you twist to turn the water on and at the other you twist to adjust.. Read More

Do What You Love and Love What You Do.

Have you ever found yourself looking forward to Friday – and not because you had something great to do at the weekend, but because you couldn’t wait for the week to end? Or perhaps you have started to dread Monday’s? The business you loved is starting to overwhelm you? Maybe you don’t know what to do next to get the joy back? Well, sometimes you have to step outside your.. Read More

The Reality Of Running A Small Business

Are you looking for answers regarding how to make your small business more successful? Are you a webinar junkie – you know – constantly signing up for webinars that promise to tell you how to skyrocket or supercharge your business in 3 easy steps? Well today I am blowing open the false promises and talking about the reality of running a small business. Because the reality is that it isn’t.. Read More

How A Six Minute Story Made £600,000

This evening I had one of the best telephone calls of my life…..I’ll get to that shortly, but let me go back 2 days first. On Monday afternoon this week you would have seen me at home in my lounge. It was 3pm in the afternoon and I had spent most of the day cleaning. Having been away for 7 days coaching at an Elite Public Speakers event, and having.. Read More