Have you ever had a turning point day in your life? I’m sure you have. And in my experience, there are 2 types of turning point day. There are the ones you had no idea were going o happen when you got up that morning. Maybe that was the day that you met your life partner. Maybe it was the day someone close to you unexpectedly got their angel wings… Read More
7 Ways To Stand Out and Accelerate Your Business Growth – Step 1
Are you trying to grow your business? Perhaps you feel you have reached a glass ceiling and whatever you do, you can’t seem to make the leap to the next level? If so, these mastermind secrets are for you. Maybe your business has done pretty well and you are turning over £¼, £½ or even £1 million. Maybe your business looks really successful from the outside – you are making.. Read More
7 Ways To Stand Out and Grow Your Magnetic Business – Step 2
Write A Book – and Get It to Best Seller If you missed it – step one was last weeks blog – all about running successful events. You can read it here. And I love events, but if you know me at all you will know that my first passion is writing. There are few ways more guaranteed to position you as an expert than to write a book, and.. Read More
7 Ways To Stand Out and Grow Your Magnetic Business – Part 3
If you are just tuning into this series and want to read about Step 1 – Running Events and Step 2 – Writing a Book, then click the links, but if you are already all caught up then here we go with the 3rd way to accelerate your business growth. Maybe it’s actually the first step. Be Clear About Your Brand Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean you.. Read More
Speak UP for Your Business
Do you love sales? How about public speaking – is it something you look forward to or dread? There are 2 main times you have to speak up for your business. One is when you are selling one to one, and the other is when you are selling one to many (i.e. speaking in public). You may know that I am a public speaking coach and coach people all over.. Read More
7 Ways To Stand Out and Grow Your Magnetic Business Part 6 – Launching A Course
Launch a Course, of Course, But Not Just Any Course Perhaps you have never thought of launching an online course. Or potentially you have considered it but thought it was too complicated, risky or just too much hard work. Possibly you are sick of all the ‘online courses’ and webinars which promise much and deliver nothing, and so you believe no-one would sign up to your course. I hate that… Read More
It’s All About Who You Know, Right?
No, I’m not talking about being a crony, or a suck up. But it is a truism that your net ‘work’ is your net ‘worth’. And actually it is also about who knows YOU. So, let’s look first about who you know. People do business with people they know, like and trust. On that basis, all my businesses since I first opened the doors in 2001, have had a big.. Read More
Why Most Hiring Processes Don’t Work and What To Do About It
Are You Trying To Grow Your Business? Does The Thought Of Hiring Someone Fill You With Dread? Maybe you have tried to hire in the past and hired the wrong people? Perhaps you have had sleepless nights worrying about your underperforming team. Possibly you have left a position open that needs to be filled because you are just not sure you have the right person, and it is starting to.. Read More
What is Stopping Your Business Growing?
I don’t know if you, like me, sometimes feel like you are walking uphill through honey? Now- don’t get me wrong – I am not complaining about where my business is right now. We are in a good place. We have fabulous clients, who we love and who regularly recommend us to others. We spend all day doing what we love. And we have a lot of fun. However, as.. Read More